Bör Bör

PROJECT: branding for the on-line radio Bör Bör. Creation of a booklet explaining the process, sources of inspiration, trends, isotope, typography, colours. SOFTWARES: Indesign, Illustrator. SKILLS: branding, vector design, brand analysis. YEAR: 2016.
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Logo Stock13

PROJECT: branding for the radio program STOCK 13 of Ttanttakun Irratia ( SOFTWARE: Illustrator. SKILLS: branding, vector design, brand analysis. YEAR: 2014.
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Semana grande Donostia

PROJECT: Web and print poster creation for the “Big Week” of San Sebastian for the Banda Bat association. 2011 and 2013 editions. SOFTWARE: Photoshop, Indesign. SKILLS: colour, graphic composition, typography. YEAR: 2013.
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Aste Nagusia 2017

PROJECT: Video resume about the “Aste Nagusia organised by “Donostiako Piratak”. SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro, Canon EOS 600D. SKILLS: Screenplay, filming, editing, post-production. YEAR: 2017.
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Climate surf

PROJECT: design layout and illustration for the educational booklet “CLIMATE SMURF”. Languages: french, english, spanish, euskara, german, portuguese, dutch. SOFTWARE: Illustrator, Indesign. SKILLS: graphic design, illustration, visual identity, vector illustration. YEAR: 2015.
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Educational booklet

PROJECT: layout design for the report “Environmental education programs on the French Mediterranean coast: synthesis, analysis and challenges”. SOFTWARE: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. SKILLS: editorial design, vectorial illustration, photography. YEAR: 2015.
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Ocean Initiatives & Marine Litter Watch

PROJECT: Presentation of Marine LitterWatch, an application to quantify marine litter. SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro, Canon EOS 600D. SKILLS: screenplay, filming, editing, post-production. YEAR: 2015.
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Ocean Initiatives in Bizkaia

PROJECT: video of an Ocean Initiatives event carried out in Bizkaia. SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro, Canon EOS 600D. SKILLS: screenplay, filming, editing, post-production. YEAR: 2015.
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The women of my neighbourhood

PROJECT: Video produced by the video creation group of the socio-cultural association Banda Bat for the contest “The women of my neighbourhood”. I realised the first portrait. SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Canon EOS 600D SKILLS: screenplay, filming, editing, post-production. YEAR: 2014.
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Environmental awareness days

PROJECT: editorial layout of the booklet for environmental awareness program focused on companies. SOFTWARE: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. SKILLS: Editorial design, vectorial illustration, photography. YEAR: 2014.
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Keepers of the Coast report

PROJECT: layout design of the booklet “Keepers of the Coast”, a citizen mobilisation program for the protection of the European coastline. SOFTWARE: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. SKILLS: Editorial design, vector illustration, photography. YEAR: 2012.
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PROJECT: Photo-shooting of different concerts at “Guardetxea”, the hall of the Banda Bat association. SOFTWARE: Photoshop, Canon Reflex EOS 600D, 50mm f/1.8 lens. SKILLS: composition, photo retouching, shooting in low light conditions. YEAR: 2011-2014.
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Poetry festival

PROJECT: Creation of poster and flyer for the poetry festival organized by the socio-cultural association Banda Bat. Editions: 2013, 2014 and 2015. Languages: spanish and basque. SOFTWARE: Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator. SKILLS: colour, composition, typography, visual identity. YEAR: 2013-2014-2015.            
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Jazzaldia 2012

PROJECT: Poster creation for the “Jazzaldia 2012” contest of San Sebastian. SOFTWARE: Illustrator, Indesign. SKILLS: visual identity, colour, composition, typography. YEAR: 2012.
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